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How do I update an old version of Plan-IT Workshop to the new runtime?

Please contact Plan-IT so that we can adjust your license, so that the new version can be downloaded.

Because this new version has an entire new runtime, it is important that you first read this new update procedure completely before you start the update. That's why we've put this update behind a license.

  1. All users need to close Plan-IT Workshop.
  2. All tasks linked to Plan-IT Workshop must be stopped (Wincar link, Autoline link, Maintenace.exe, etc.)
  3. Make a copy of the entire Plan-IT Workshop folder
    (as a backup for when something goes wrong, but also as an extra check to see if anyone still has Plan-IT Workshop open. You cannot make a copy if there are still users in Plan-IT Workshop)
  4. Log in on the server where Plan-IT Werkplaats is installed (not via the network). Right click on the Plan-IT Workshop shortcut (or on the planbord.exe in the Plan-ITPrograms folder) and select the option Run as administrator

  1. Log in with a user account with Master rights, then click on System in the menu bar and select the option Check for new version.

  1. Download the new version. This may take a while as it is a major update, please be patient and do not close the update.
  2. When the download is complete, the update window will confirm that the update has been installed correctly.

  1. Wait another 10 seconds and then click the OK button. Plan-IT Workshop will now start a script, which will unpack the new runtime and clean up the old runtime. So let this complete.

  1. When that is also completed, and the window has closed itself, Plan-IT Workshop has to be started again as administrator. Plan-IT Workshop will now perform the database update.
  2. When that is done, the login window will appear and the update itself is ready. Now check if everything is working properly.
  3. Then you have to start 1 time as administrator on each Terminal Server or Workstation Plan-IT Workshop
    (Plan-IT is temporarily granted the rights to install the new dll's on the workstations where it is used. If you work with Terminal Servers, this must be done once on every TS where Plan-IT Workshop is being used.)
  4. If you have tasks running somewhere for e.g. the Autoline connection (firedeamon services) then Plan-IT Workshop must also be started as administrator on this server.
  5. You can then start the tasks again.

The update is now successfully completed.

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