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Leon Wonnink recently celebrated his 10th anniversary as account manager at Plan-IT.
Leon has a long history in the automotive landscape. Once started at the former CW Lease in Den Bosch, via TOP Lease in Breda (later ING Car Lease / Alphabet) and Volkswagen PON Financial Services in Amersfoort, eventually ended up at JDS bedrijfsautomatisering bv in Venray.
In 10 years he has seen the aftersales in the automotive industry gradually change.
“In the beginning I visited car companies that still worked with the physical planning board on the wall or with a paper planning. It took a lot of time and energy to convince those companies of the usefulness of good planning. ”
Leon does not think planning is a “sexy” product, with which you have to convince the car company.
“Good planning is what your entire workshop and therefore your after-sales is all about. With our products we ensure more traffic in the workshop, we ensure a better spread of the work and therefore more peace of mind during the entire process, from acceptance to return of the car, as well as creating more time for the service adviser to explain the invoice and the work to his customer.”
Where Leon had to show a lot in his early years at Plan-IT, he now has made such a name that potential customers approach him.
“We have built up solid brand awareness with Plan-IT. Yes 'we', because I really have a fantastic team behind me, with knowledge not only of software, but also of the automotive market. It is no coincidence that these 10 years have flown by.”
Although Leon was used to working for large companies, he has completely found his way at Plan-IT over the past 10 years.
“The charm of Plan-IT as an employer also makes it possible to follow my own course. Every year in my conversation with management, I therefore describe myself as 'an entrepreneur in paid employment'. That in itself says enough about how well I am enjoying this team.”
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